Course Description:
This foundational educational program is an introductory course focusing on tracheoesophageal puncture, voice prosthesis management, and post laryngectomy rehabilitation for the speech language pathologist. This course is offered in two parts: virtual and hands-on. The virtual, on-demand component is offered two times per year. There is no cost for this program. Four hours of ASHA continuing education credits are available for those who complete the virtual course requirements.
To further the learning experience, an optional hands-on training is offered regionally (US and Canada only). The virtual program must be completed before participating in this live training. InHealth Technologies and the hosting facility offer this program at no cost to the participant, however cost of travel is not provided, and space is limited.
These offerings will focus exclusively on InHealth Technologies® products.
2022 Course Dates:
Virtual Program: September 1, 2022
Lecture content will be available for on-demand viewing for 30 days. Pre-registration is required.
LIVE (optional) Hands-on Training: September 16, 2022: New Orleans, LA
Additional dates and locations pending. Dates and locations subject to change.
Can your clinic host? If so, email
Dates and locations subject to change. Pre-registration is required, registration closes on August 31st.
Upon registration you will be provided access to a short introduction video. An email to provide access to the course content will be sent on the first day of the program (September 1).
At time of registration, you will be able to indicate interest in attending a live, in-person hands-on course. An InHealth Technologies team member will contact you regarding locations and dates. Note: We currently have a waitlist for this program and indicating interest does not guarantee a spot.
Virtual Lecture Program (4 hours)
Introductory Level
Total Laryngectomy from the Beginning: Laying a Foundation for Rehabilitation (60 min)
DESCRIPTION: This one-hour pre-recorded lecture will review the anatomical and physiologic changes that occur following the total laryngectomy surgery and the speech-language pathologist (SLP) role in rehabilitation.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The learner will describe 3 anatomical/physiological changes that
occur following total laryngectomy surgery.
PRESENTER: Eliza Peoples, M.S., CCC-SLP
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: Ms. Peoples is a clinical specialist with InHealth Technologies and receives a salary for her position.
NON-FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: Ms. Peoples has no non-financial relationships to disclose.
Tracheoesophageal Puncture and Puncture Candidacy (60 min)
DESCRIPTION: This one-hour pre-recorded lecture will discuss the underpinnings of tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP) and the social, emotional, and physiological factors that impact TEP rehabilitation and outcomes.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The learner will describe 2 factors related to TEP candidacy and outcomes.
PRESENTER: Jennifer Starkweather, M.S., CCC-SLP
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: Ms. Starkweather is a clinical specialist with InHealth Technologies and receives a salary for her position.
NON-FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: Ms. Starkweather has no non-financial relationships to disclose.
Comprehensive Voice Prothesis Fitting and (Re)Placement (60 min)
DESCRIPTION: The evaluation and fitting of a voice prosthesis is a skilled service that requires both manual skills and clinical knowledge/decision-making. This one-hour, pre-recorded lecture will review the foundational components of a comprehensive TEP/voice prosthesis visit.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The user will describe 3 components of a comprehensive voice prosthesis evaluation.
PRESENTER: Elizabeth Lucarelli, M.S., CCC-SLP
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: Ms. Lucarelli is a clinical specialist with InHealth Technologies and receives a salary for her position.
NON-FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: Ms. Lucarelli has no non-financial relationships to disclose.
Pulmonary Considerations for the Total Laryngectomee (60 min)
DESCRIPTION: Pulmonary attention following a total laryngectomy focuses on two main components: tracheostoma attachment options and restoration of upper airway function, often best achieved through use of a heat and moisture exchange (HME) system. In this 1-hour pre-recorded lecture, we will discuss when and why you might consider using a laryngectomy tube, laryngectomy button and/ or adhesive baseplate for HME attachment with your patients. We will also discuss the importance of an HME system, the options available, and a brief introduction to the SpeakFree™ HME for hands free speech with a tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The learner will describe at least 3 benefits of an HME system for pulmonary rehabilitation following total laryngectomy.
PRESENTER: Morgan Greve, M.A., CCC-SLP
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: Ms. Greve is a clinical specialist with InHealth Technologies and receives a salary for her position.
NON-FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: Ms. Greve has no non-financial relationships to disclose.
Hands-on Program
Introductory Level
Up to 0.6 ASHA CEUs
Offered in various locations for additional ASHA CEU credit, as space permits.
This agenda is an example as some variability in faculty and agenda vary.
Taking Lecture to Reality
TEP fitting protocols, meet the product, gel-cap loading and application (1 hour)
Voice Prosthesis and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Training (4.5 hours)
Wrap up
Questions and Follow Up Planning (0.5 hour)
See each course description for ASHA instruction level and CEU amount.